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£400,000 2 Bedroom Flat  Sold

Two bedrooms


Chain Free

Private Balcony


Gated Development

Another Sold in Saunders Ness Road, Isle of Dogs E14 3BY. Qualified buyers are seeking similar homes to buy. Contact us now if you are thinking of selling. We present a river view two-bedroom apartment in Luralda Wharf, Saunders Ness Road, Isle of Dogs E14. The accommodation comprises an airy lounge/dining room and a semi-open plan kitchen. There are two double bedrooms, a three-piece bathroom, abundant storage and a garage. The apartment's stunning balcony is perfect for enjoying the fantastic river views. Luralda Wharf has landscaped communal gardens and is adjacent to Island Gardens Park and the Greenwich Foot Tunnel. Greenwich and Canary Wharf's plazas are popular destinations for those seeking dining and leisure. We highly recommend this property to discerning buyers.

Nearest station: Island Gardens (0.19 miles)
Borough: Tower Hamlets
Council tax band: F
Tenure: Share of Freehold
Lease term: 995 years
Service charge: £3,215
Ground rent: tba


Floor Plan

Floor Plan

Property Images

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This property is Sold, but you can still provide your details below. We will add your name to our Reserve Buyers List and contact you to discuss your property needs.

Mortgage calculator

Mortgage Details


Stamp duty calculation

See full breakdown

Total SDLT due

Below is a breakdown of how the total amount of SDLT was calculated

Up to £0k (Percentage rate 0 %)

Above £0k and up to £0k (Percentage rate 0 %)

Above £0k and up to £0k (Percentage rate 0 %)

Above £0k and up to £0k (Percentage rate 0 %)

Above £0k and up to £0m (Percentage rate 0 %)

Above £om (Percentage rate 0 %)

Please note: This is for illustrative purposes only. The above calculator should not be relied upon when making financial decisions. Please seek advice from a specialist financial provider.

Property Reference: ALEXN_001455


Property descriptions are subjective and used in good faith as an opinion rather than statements of fact. The owner provided information relating to title, tenure, service charges and ground rent information. Therefore, please make specific enquiries to ensure that our descriptions match your expectations of the property. Floor plan measurements are approximate and for illustrative purposes only. Furthermore, we have not tested any services, systems or appliances at this property. And we strongly recommend that you verify all the provided information on inspection and that your surveyor and conveyancer further confirm details. Also, market conditions and property values regularly fluctuate. And showcased sold properties demonstrate our previous successes rather than indicate live property values.

Discover your property's value below or call 020 3941 9966 


Tenant Information

Refundable Holding deposit - 1 weeks rent

Security Deposit 5 weeks rent for annual rental under £50,000, or 6 weeks rent for annual rental over £50,000

Rent - The agreed monthly rent

Changes to tenancy - £50 inc VAT

Early termination charge - Not exceeding the landlord’s financial losses

Late payment of rent Interest of 3% above BoE base rate for each day the rent is late, once it is 14 days overdue

Replacement keys - Reasonable costs

Utilities, council tax, communication services, TV Licence etc Tenants own responsibility unless otherwise stated

Client Money Protection Scheme Membership details Alex Neil are members of CMP (client money protect)

Property Redress Scheme Membership details: Alex Neil are members of The Property Ombudsman. Membership number N00018.