Spring is a popular season to sell property
Timing is an essential ingredient when selling your property, and Spring is historically a season when aspirational homeowners enter the market.

Considering the response to the Coronavirus Pandemic over the last 12 months, we have seen some variance in the seasonal trends in the property market, and the underlying trend is positive. Covid-19 notwithstanding, March sees the clocks spring forward, creating even lighter mornings and evenings.
These facts allow the increased daylight hours to couple with nature’s bloom creating an environment that increases many properties’ aesthetics and ease of viewing. Blooming Wisteria surrounding windows, flowering plants on balconies, thriving gardens abundant with colour and freshly mown lawns.
These components accentuate “kerb appeal”, enhancing first impressions and lending credence to why we believe it is a great time to buy and sell property! As we all follow the Prime Minister’s “cautious but irreversible approach” out of lockdown. We invite those considering the sale of their property to contact our teams for an initial conversation before booking a Covid-safe Property Valuation & Market Appraisal.
We have decades of experience selling property in the areas covered by our Rotherhithe & Canada Water and Canary Wharf & Docklands offices.
Written by Alex Neil Estate Agents
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