Keep your home warm this winter
Wintery weather is upon us, and the Alex Neil team brainstormed ideas to help you and your home stay warm this winter. Cooler temperatures make woolly hats and thermal clothing simple additions to keep us warm outside. Homeowners can apply similar principles to warming up their properties. Furthermore, heating and energy bills are topical subjects, as is climate change. Everyone can make energy-efficient adjustments that could contribute to lower energy use and lower bills.

Change your habits. When creating a warm, cosy environment, perhaps there is a tendency for the thermostat to be set too high. With an eye on keeping your bills lower, aim for 20 degrees C. It is a practical, economical heating strategy, more so when used in conjunction with timers and individual radiator thermostats.
Film, Foil and Bleed. Add a secondary glazing film to any draughty windows; it is easy to apply, insulates glass, and adds an extra layer of protection from the elements. In addition, using radiator insulation foil will ensure that heat is radiated back into the room.
Soft furnishings. Keeping and maintaining the heat generated inside rooms can be enhanced by adding thermal curtains. They provide insulation and often have blackout and noise-reducing properties conducive to creating a cosy atmosphere. Placing rugs onto uninsulated floors can enhance a room's aesthetics and reduce heat loss. Draft excluders are another way of preventing heat from escaping through doorways.
You will find some in many styles to match your different colourways and retain heat.
Additional warmth. Wearing multiple layers of clothing will keep you warmer and help you resist reaching for the thermostat when the mercury drops. Applying similar principles in bedrooms, more blankets, an electric blanket, and higher tog duvets will help keep the temperature higher at night.
We hope these ideas will keep your bills more economical and keep you and your home warmer this winter. Many astute purchasers purposefully seek property during the autumn and winter months. Deciduous trees hide property outlooks during the summer. Fallen leaves reveal the winter view of the area and property.
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Written by Alex Neil Estate Agents
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